Thursday, December 17, 2009

Where is the media????

The following will be answers to questions that people frequently pose to us:
Have we really heard much about this dairy crisis? No. Many dairy farmers in America are being forced out of business and the math is simple to calculate that this will continue at an alarming rate: the price we receive for our product is far below what it costs to produce. Our agricultural and polical leaders must understand the full gravity and ramifications of our dilemma, as must the general public. If we, like many others, are forced to close our barns, we do not want these people to respond with: "I did not know...", "I was not aware of how bad it was...", "We did not realize...." This year, as we talked with our friends, both locally and out-of-state, most of them were totally surprised by our situation. The media has just not covered this.
What is the problem that the American Dairy Farmer is facing? We have been facing the same frustrations for years: we cannot control the cost of our rising expenses and we cannot set the price for the product we sell. We have absolutely no control over the price we are paid for our milk. Besides this double-edged sword, both these prices vary, sometimes dramatically, from month to month and year to year. The current, dramatic downturn in the global economy has only exasperated this half-a-decade old problem.

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